This site, and its affiliated sites, Deadline and The Avengers Illustrated are part of theavengers.tv family, along with The Avengers Forever, The Avengers Declassified, The Avengers On The Radio, The Avengers Artland, A Guide To Avengerland, Police Surgeon and Los Vengadores ˇen línea! To search theavengers.tv go here
Please note, The Avengers was originally filmed by Associated British Studios in the UK, and is copyrighted by UGC. This is a fan-maintained page reflecting my own interests, and is intended to promote interest in the television show, The Avengers. No copyright claims are made. Original press articles, press releases etc have been reproduced in an attempt to facilitate research into all aspects of The Avengers and 60s Worldwide Pop Culture and will be removed, if necessary, on the written ('hard' copies with a return address and telephone number only) request of the original authors/copyright holders. Please credit any research material where relevant and keep a watchful eye out for diabolical masterminds. Many of the illustrations and much of the information on this site have been donated by The Guild of Noble Nannies - their names are legion, go here to see who they are. If you feel you could be part of the Sisterhood, get in touch. |