The Avengers Dead Duck


The Floating Game by John Garforth

First published in the UK by Panther Books early in 1967, this was then published in the USA in April, 1967 and then reprinted (with a different cover) in February 1969.  It is worth noting that the cover of the second edition features Tara King, even though she does not appear in the book.

From the back of the first UK edition:
Steed:   A topsy-turvy world indeed!  Seems the Mafia has joined forces with Marx in a diabolical attempt to overthrow her Majesty's Government!  Would you believe it?   And what does Mrs. Peel think she's up to - going off to America to marry a female Russian spy?  Extraordinary behaviour.  Puzzling too.  Better get reading The Floating Game - the latest seismic adventure from TV's most popular heroes.  The 20th century Eumeides (The Avengers to you) of which number I am one...

Mrs. Peel: Well!  That's just like Steed!  I may wear way-out gear but I don't think I've ever gone for female Russian spies.  Anyway, what does Steed think he's doing, standing for parliament on a dead man's ticket?  Oh by the way (but don't tell Steed) there's one absolutely super scene you simply mustn't miss... Where Steed is tied down by these three gorgeous little Chinese dollies in white silk pyjamas - serves him right...

The Floating Game - UK edition
The Floating Game, UK edition

And from the back of the two US editions:
While EMMA PEEL is preparing to depart for the United States as the bride of a gorgeous female Russian spy - JOHN STEED is tracking down the toughest Mafia gangster who ever graced the shores of Britain to overthrow Her Majesty's government.

You see, someone is attempting to undermine that government by means of a fiendish Oriental brainwashing technique on high-ranking civil servants, and Steed and Mrs. Peel find that all clues lead to a joint Mafia-Russian plot, which, naturally, must be stopped at all costs!


The Floating Game - US first edition
The Floating Game, first US edition

The Floating Game - US second edition
The Floating Game, second US edition


The Floating Game was published in France ('Le Flambeur Flambé', pub. 1967 by Roman, translated by Marie Watkins), Germany  ('Drei kleine Chinamädchen' - Three Little Chinese Girls, pub 1967 by Heyne, translated by Elisabeth Simon), Holland ('Maling Aan De Maffia', pub. 1967 by Bruna) and Chile ('Juegos Flotantes', pub. Aug 13, 1968 by Zig Zag, translated by Lina Larran).  The German translation was reprinted in the anthology MIT SCHIRM, CHARME UND MELONE. Subtitle: "Neue Fälle für John Steed und Emma Peel", published in 1998 by HEYNE-Verlag Munich for 14,90DM.  This anthology may still be available in Germany.  The French translation was reprinted in Chapeau Melon et Bottes de Cuir, published by Fleuve Noir in 1998.

The Floating Game - French edition
The Floating Game, French edition

The Avengers - French anthology
French anthology, featuring The Floating Game

The Floating Game - German edition
The Floating Game, German edition

60s German anthology, featuring The Floating Game

90s German anthology featuring The Floating Game

The Floating Game - Dutch edition
The Floating Game, Dutch edition

The Floating Game, Chilean edition

To follow...


on to The Laugh Was On Lazarus